UOSD Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases

The UOSD of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases is organized according to the model proposed by the DCA no. U00581 of 14.12.2015 with which the Lazio Region approved the Plan for Diabetic Diseases.

The UOSD is equipped with 5 facilities: 3rd level in the Hospital of Frosinone, 2nd level in the Hospitals of Sora and Cassino and in the Health Houses of Pontecorvo and Anagni.

The 3rd level is the facility where the patient with decompensated diabetic pathology and complications is welcomed, with the need for intensive care, with the possibility of continuous monitoring; the 2nd level where the decompensated patient who needs treatment and in-depth studies for the prevention of complications is welcomed; the 1st level is under the care of the General Practitioner and reserved for the first diagnosis and control of the compensated patient.

The UOSD of Endocrinology has the possibility of carrying out screening, diagnosis and treatment for Endocrine diseases in general and in particular for Thyroid and Bone Metabolism.

Services/Activities provided

Depending on the areas of intervention, the following services can be distinguished:

  • Diabetic outpatient clinic: visits are made for baseline diagnosis and for controls of patients with diabetic pathology;
  • Pregnant diabetes clinic: visits and checks are carried out for the pregnant patient who needs nutritional and/or therapeutic support;
  • Diagnostic imaging: Ultrasound examinations of various types (thyroid, abdominal, color-Doppler of the epiaortic vessels) are performed in the diagnostic imaging clinic. TO BE ACTIVATED
  • Postural examination: L.A.C.-B.A.K. examinations (posturographic and stabilometric examination with platform) for the prevention of diabetic foot;
  • Podiatric examination: for the prevention and primary care OF the diabetic foot TO BE ACTIVATED
  • Psychological visits: as part of the support activity for the diabetic patient in general and for the type I patient in the transition phase from paediatric to adult;
  • New Technologies Clinic: implantation and control of Micropumps and Sensors for continuous blood glucose control including subcutaneous implants;
  • PAC for Diabetic Disease: another side activity to the performance of the UOSD, able to follow with continuous care programs in patients with diabetes mellitus of the 1st and 2nd type, in order to improve their quality and quantity of life, to select possible candidates for procedures for new technologies;
  • PAC for Metabolic Disease: relevant point of the diagnostic activity of the UOSD to identify and prevent the patient who is a candidate for diabetic disease and its complications;
  • PAC for the Thyroid Nodule: a widespread pathology in the territory of the ASL for the diagnosis and treatment and prevention of Neoplastic disease. TO BE ACTIVATED

The Specialist Services provided are as follows:

  • Measurement of capillary blood glucose;
  • Sensor system for continuous blood glucose monitoring;
  • Micro-pump system;
  • Psychological Support;
  • Nutritional Support;
  • Diabetological visits;
  • Endocrinological visits;
  • Lak-Bac.

Login Mode

Access to the Facilities is as follows:

  • URGENT visit: through access to the Emergency Room and urgent reports from other Facilities and from the ReCUP (other Departments of the Hospital or Outpatient Hospital of the territory or other Hospitals);
  • ORDINARY visit: scheduled is planned for users already reported to our Facility, the date of the visit has been established to carry out investigations and in-depth diagnosis;
  • PAC: it is provided according to procedures that do not require hospitalization.

Hours and days of receipt

Reception times and days vary depending on the facility:

  • In the 3rd Level of Frosinone: the visiting hours for patients are from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 14:00; on Thursdays until 16:00; on Tuesdays from 14:00 to 16:30 Thyroid Diseases;
  • In the 2nd Level of Cassino: the visiting hours for patients are daily from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Endocrinology Clinic;
  • In the 2nd Level of Sora: the visiting hours for patients are for every day from 8:00 to 14:00, on Monday even in the afternoon from 14:00 to 17:00; Tuesday and Thursday in the morning also Endocrinology Clinic;
  • the 2nd Level of Pontecorvo and Anagni: they are entrusted to the External Outpatient Specialists and follow the schedules assigned to them except for Anagni Monday afternoon 14:30 – 17:00 and Alatri Tuesday 8:00 – 14:00 which remains under the care of the Hospital Service.

Staff on duty

  • Dr. Celletti Fabio (Manager)
  • Dr Benedetti Giuseppe (Sora, Atina)
  • Dr. Cardilli Pasquale (Frosinone, Anagni, Alatri);
  • Dr D’Ambrosio Ciro (Frosinone);
  • Dr Anticoli Borsa Lorena (Frosinone);
  • Dr. Ferdinand Daniele (Cassino);
  • Biomedical Campus (Ceccano-Cassino and Sora) Prof. Napoli Nicola – Dr. Strollo Roky – Dr. Potenziani Stella – Dr. De Feudis Giuseppe;
  • Dr. Tummarello Maria Antonietta (Frosinone and Sora);
  • Dr. Valente Livio (Pontecorvo);
  • Dr Piroli Emanuela (Anagni, Atina).


Manager: Dr. Fabio Celletti

Frosinone Headquarters

  • Address: Via Armando Fabi, Palazzina Q, 3rd Floor – 03100 Frosinone
  • Phone: 0775.8821
  • Email: uosdendocrinologia@aslfrosinone.it

Cassino Office

  • Address: Via San Pasquale 4th Floor Intramoenia Corridor – 03043 Cassino (FR)
  • Phone: 0775.8821
  • Email: uosdendocrinologia@aslfrosinone.it

Sora Office

  • Address: Via San Marciano snc – SS. Trinità Hospital, 2nd Floor Staircase B – 03039 Sora (FR)
  • Phone: 0775.8821
  • Email: uosdendocrinologia@aslfrosinone.it

Headquarters Casa della Salute Anagni

  • Address: Casa della Salute, 1° Piano Poliambulatorio – 03012 Anagni (FR)
  • Phone: 0775.8821
  • Email: uosdendocrinologia@aslfrosinone.it

Headquarters Casa della Salute Pontecorvo

  • Address: Via San Giovanni Battista 5 – Casa della Salute, 2° Piano Poliambulatorio – 03037 Pontecorvo (FR)
  • Phone: 0775.8821
  • Email: uosdendocrinologia@aslfrosinone.it

Last Updated: 04/04/2022

Pubblicato il: 28/03/2022

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