Calls for tenders and contracts

This section is being updated in light of the changes introduced by Annex 9 of the NAP 2022.
In this section the links to the National and Regional Databases have been reported also in order to comply as quickly as possible with the non-trivial reformulation of the publication obligations carried out by ANAC on the subject.

The process of gradual interoperability of the IT systems used by public administrations contributes to the approval of the new Procurement Code that promotes and guarantees the extension of digital to the entire life cycle of the contract, starting from the programming, to the request for the tender identification code, up to the execution and conclusion of the contract, and to the last invoice.

Biennial Programme of Purchases of Goods and Services

Resolution_963_del_09.12.2022 – investment plan for electromedical equipment 2023 2025

Amendment to the Biennial Programme for Purchases of Goods and Services

Annex 1 to the Biennial Programme for the Purchase of Goods and Services

On 30/03/2023, an operational agreement was signed (ref. 20244 of 30/03/2023) between the Lazio Region – Regional Directorate of Health and Socio-Health Integration and the Asl of Frosinone aimed at the overall strengthening of the structures and services of SNPS and SNPAs at the national, regional and local levels, improving infrastructure, human and technological capacities and applied research within the program of interventions referred to in Mission 6 of the PNRR.
The 2023-2025 Investment Plan modified at the request of the Region is being re-approved.

Deed of approval of the 2023 2025 investment plan – resolution 1062 of 30/12/2022

Biennial Public Works Programme-New investment plan 2023-2025

Last Updated: 03/07/2023

Pubblicato il: 28/02/2022

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