Know the average expected time for diagnosis

Average reporting times vary depending on the complexity of the case, the relationship between workloads and the availability of technical, biological, medical and secretarial staff.

Indicatively, they are summarized in:

  • Histology, days 20/28 from the acceptance of the sample;
  • Cytology, days 10/20 from the acceptance of the sample;
  • Pap test, days 25/30 from acceptance of the sample;
  • Emergencies, 48/72 hours from sample acceptance.

(5 days per week)

Diagnostic prolongation is the reporting time greater than that reported in the table, determined by the particular complexity of the case, which requires further investigation (immunohistochemistry, cytogenetics, molecular biology) or which requires a collegial sharing or a second opinion from reference structures.

Last Updated: 04/04/2022

Pubblicato il: 04/04/2022

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