Seven new ultrasound scanners for the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit of the ASL in Frosinone

Seven new state-of-the-art ultrasound scanners for a further leap in the quality of the Obstetrics and Gynecology UOC of the Asl of Frosinone.

Thanks to the regional funding “card 51 of Dgr 861/2017” and the funds of the PNRR, the departments of Spaziani di Frosinone, Santa Scolastica di Cassino, Santissima Trinità di Sora and San Benedetto di Alatri, can now boast high-end machinery, the same as those present in the most important hospitals of large Italian cities.

These are Hera W9 ultrasound scanners equipped with software updated to the latest needs in the gynecological and obstetric field, capable of generating images in 3D, 4D up to 5D, to help formulate more accurate and complete diagnoses, increasing safety and efficiency in women’s health care.

The machines provide extraordinarily clearer images of the internal organs, improving the typical characteristics of ultrasound images compared to real vision. They offer a three-dimensional view of blood flows and high-resolution 3D anatomy.

Last Updated: 02/12/2022

Pubblicato il: 02/12/2022

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