“Love me, protect me, breastfeed me”: ASL Midwives mobilize for World Breastfeeding Week

Tomorrow, the “World Breastfeeding Week” will continue until 7 October to highlight once again how breastfeeding is crucial for the survival, health and well-being of women, children and nations. 

Breast milk is the main source of protein, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids and responds perfectly to the nutritional and immunological needs of boys and girls and helps prevent infections.

Breastfeeding promotes attachment between mother and child, regardless of the context, and guarantees food security from the first moments of life, a benefit that affects the entire family. 

Breast milk continues to be an important source of nutrition for infants after the first 6 months of life, particularly when mothers supplement their milk with other foods.

On average, babies aged 6-8 months receive over 70% of their energy needs from breast milk, 55% at 9-11 months and 40% at 12-13 months.

The Midwives of the ASL of Frosinone stand next to women and families to promote, support, inform about this beautiful experience.

To this end, a training event was organised on 5 October to provide useful information to mothers on how to breastfeed properly, starting in a suitable way, so as to allow its continuation.

To complement the event, an information point on the subject will be set up in the square in front of the Fabrizio Spaziani Hospital in Frosinone.

Throughout the week it will be possible to access the company consultants to obtain the desired information.

Last Updated: 30/09/2022

Pubblicato il: 30/09/2022

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