Having overcome the emergency at the Emergency Room of the Most Holy Trinity of Sora

Having overcome the emergency at the Emergency Room of the Most Holy Trinity of Sora. It is the most recent important news for the Sorano hospital where work continues to implement all services.

We talked about it with the Health Director Dr. Massimo Menichini.

Director, let’s start from the emergency room

We had set ourselves the goal of overcoming the emergency at the Holy Trinity Emergency Room and we achieved it. Through an agreement with a cooperative, the Presidium was assigned 450 additional hours, which correspond to the amount of hours of three doctors to support the already operational staff. This will allow us to cover all shifts and respond in an even more concrete and timely manner to the needs of citizens.

This is not the only news relevant to the Emergency Room because the planned expansion of the structure has already started.

What other services are you working on?

Work is about to start on the second endoscopy room that will allow us to break down the waiting lists, we will soon have a new state-of-the-art CT scanner, a new linear accelerator will be assigned and a Pet-Tac will also be mounted later.

Another aspect to highlight is that relating to the restructuring of the obstetrics-gynecology department and that of paediatrics that are starting.

We can say that we are in a phase of development and relaunch for our hospital, which is expanding its services and healthcare offer.

What can you tell us about mosquitoes?

The problem, I would say, is being resolved. Now we are proceeding with constant pest control and from Monday will begin the assembly of mosquito nets starting from the medical department and then continue to all hospital wards.

Someone talks about having to defend the hospital

Some statements are perplexing because I wonder what and by whom should the hospital be defended?! We work every day 24 hours a day to improve its services, make it more efficient and follow the instructions provided by the Ministry and the Region. Below these forecasts we must not go and no one has ever thought of doing so, neither the previous direction nor, certainly, the new one.


It should be noted that the Sora hospital is perfectly ready to face the summer period, there will be no downsizing of activities, the hospital structure will continue to work as always.

Last Updated: 17/06/2022

Pubblicato il: 17/06/2022

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