Paliano Conference – From the Ships of Fools to the Protection of Mental Health

Casa di Reclusione Paliano

Sala Piazza Unità D’Italia – 06 October 2021

In 1861, Italy ceased to be a simple peninsula formed by seven different states and became a unitary country gathered under the same national banner. In the 160th year of the Unification of Italy, in the historic fortress of Paliano, the event wants to dedicate the unification of a people and a territory to the complex process of integration of complex institutions that deal with the same individual, often fragile, lost, confused.
The event represents a first moment of confrontation towards the construction of an intersystemic network and a path to be carried out together, in the name of a humanity that is entrusted to us.

Last Updated: 10/03/2022

Pubblicato il: 15/09/2021

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