Open Day Urological Visits for Father’s Day

Prostate cancer is the most widespread in the male population in Italy and accounts for about 18% of cancers diagnosed in humans. In Western countries it is the most frequent neoplasm among adult males after lung cancer.

Unlike what happens with other cancers, there is no specific primary prevention for the prostate.

Secondary prevention for an early diagnosis of the disease consists of undergoing a urological examination every year with a dose of PSA, an enzyme produced by the prostate, from the age of 50, or from 45 if you are familiar with the disease.

Early diagnosis is crucial. Prostate cancer is usually suspected based on rectal examination or PSA level obtained with a blood draw. The definitive diagnosis is exclusively histological and therefore requires a prostate biopsy.

On the occasion of Father’s Day on 19 March at the Urology clinic of the Spaziani Hospital in Frosinone (floor -1) there will be the possibility of undergoing urological examinations from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm.

You can access it with a GMM challenge and a ticket by booking through the CUP.

Last Updated: 06/05/2022

Pubblicato il: 17/03/2022

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