Another step forward towards the digitization of ASL: here is the simplified dematerialized recipe also for hospital specialists

Goodbye to the paper recipe also for the hospital specialists of the Asl of Frosinone who, at a wide pace, are walking the path of digitization like the General Practitioners who have long been using ad hoc applications to interface with the TS system, the national dematerialized prescription system.

To facilitate the transition, the Local Health Authority has made an easy-to-use application available to professionals:

“We have made the task simple for specialists – explains the coordinator of the digital transition of Asl Frosinone Dr. Sergio Pillon – by installing software on company servers that allows dematerialized recipes to be issued with great ease.

It is a model based on the experience of GPs who have long used the digital system to issue prescriptions, both for medicines and for specialist visits. Now the goal is to reach 80% of dematerialized prescriptions for drugs and instrumental tests by the end of the year and then, in 2023, even higher percentages “.

How does the app work?

You must enter your assigned credentials for the first recipe, after which the system will automatically access the regional servers as soon as the doctor has connected to the ASL’s computer systems. Not only the compilation but also a virtual helper able to find the codes, notes for prescriptions, exemptions, and all this simply by acquiring the barcode of the health card with the scanner or by entering the patient’s tax code.

A great advantage for doctors, who we are training with ad hoc courses, because they can act much more simply and quickly and for the person who will see the prescription go into their electronic health file and, with the dematerialized code, is able to connect to the regional system to book an exam. Obviously all this was possible even without a local application but at the cost of a much greater complexity of use, which discouraged doctors who often complained about the time and technical complexity necessary to fill the electronic prescription, to the point of preferring the paper prescription

A further step towards digitization?

Certainly, in this way all ASL outpatient activities can quickly produce digital recipes and prescriptions that, an aspect of no secondary importance, limit errors during the compilation phase and consequently also during the booking phase, simplifying at the same time the work of ASL specialists

It is a piece of what we are slowly building in the company, step by step, for a digitization that helps health professionals to work better to provide a better service to citizens  

Last Updated: 25/08/2022

Pubblicato il: 25/08/2022

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