Diabetes management at the heart of Digital Transformation and Telemedicine

At least 30,000 diabetics are taken care of by the diabetology services of the Asl of Frosinone. This pathology is one of the main chronicities of the territory along with heart failure and chronic lung diseases (bronchitis, asthma, emphysema).

Diabetes management is at the heart of digital transformation and telemedicine. This is explained by the Digital Transformation Coordinator of the ASL of Frosinone, Dr. Sergio Pillon.

Dr. Pillon, it is necessary for the diabetic patient to be taken care of with telemedicine and the electronic health file.

For this to become a reality, everyone must have a unique digital medical record that can be shared between the diabetes services of the Region and the ASL Frosinone. Our company has completed the installation and configuration of the digital diabetes folder, which is active in all clinics. Obviously, it is not enough that the folder is available, patients must be slowly inserted into the system to move from folders made with paper cards or on local software to a system that allows data to be shared not only in the Lazio Region, but also with the major national centers.

What are the benefits for citizens?

The first is the possibility of being “recognized” in each center of the ASL and in the near future, regional, as if it were in the structure where it is usually addressed. All data is protected and confidential online. The “external” centres can see the patient but only the one in charge can change particularly important parameters. The goal is not to lose your reference diabetologist but to become “visible” in every qualified diabetology center.

Can the file be shared with the other specialists with whom the diabetic patient is in constant contact, think of the nephrologist, the angiologist, the cardiologist, the ophthalmologist, the neurologist?

Of course! Diabetes does not only mean “high blood sugar” but it is a disease capable of compromising all organs over time, if not well treated. The digital also serves to “remind” the doctor who follows the patient of the deadlines, how long he has not checked the back of the eye, the arteries, the kidney function. Simplifying life for him and the clinician, this is the goal of digital well done.

Will future developments be the introduction within the Telemonitoring and Televisit folder?

All patients entered in the system can be contacted through their smartphone for a televisit that will be directly entered in the folder. Today in our ASL we have already activated the Diabetic Teleview but the diabetologist must program it separately. It will now be integrated into the folder, along with the possibility of receiving telemonitoring of blood glucose values, via APP for patients who check themselves with traditional “strips” or directly for those who use systems such as micropumps and/or FGM sensors (an example is Abbott’s Freestylelibre).

Last Updated: 20/07/2022

Pubblicato il: 20/07/2022

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