Refrigerant helmet for chemotherapy at the Santissima Trinità di Sora: from Thursday the first treatments

The new service of the Oncology department of the Santissima Trinità di Sora hospital starts next Thursday, with the first treatments.

At the Day Hospital, cancer patients will be able to wear the refrigerant helmet for chemotherapy, the operation of which was shown today to the Regional Councillors of the territory of the province of Frosinone.

The device, which enriches the medical equipment available to the department, has the effect of reducing hair loss in cancer patients, because it decreases the blood supply to the scalp and consequently slows the entry of the drug that affects the hair cells.

Its functioning increases the quality of life and induces psychological benefits in patients: hair loss is in fact the most visible aspect linked to chemotherapy, which most generates anxiety and stress and accentuates fatigue.

Patients will be welcomed in a dedicated room with two armchairs: the cooling helmet is turned on half anhour before the start of therapy, worn for the entire duration of the treatment and for the ninety minutes following the end of it.

The success rate, according to the latest studies, stands at 76%, an additional benefit that increases self-esteem and offers greater strength to fight the evil to be won.

Last Updated: 18/10/2022

Pubblicato il: 18/10/2022

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