Extraordinary oncological intervention and mandibular reconstruction at the Spaziani Hospital in Frosinone

Removal of a tumour and simultaneous mandibular reconstruction. A very complex operation, perfectly successful, performed at the UOC of Otolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Fabrizio Spaziani hospital in Frosinone directed by Dr. Andrea Marzetti in collaboration with the team of Prof. Valentino Valentini, Full Professor of Maxillofacial Surgery in Rome.

A type of reconstruction, carried out in very few centers in Italy, which for the first time was also carried out in the Asl of Frosinone.

The patient, a woman in her 60s, had an oral cancer of about 7 centimeters that had also infiltrated her jaw. The two teams worked simultaneously to remove the neoplasm, together with the mandible and lymph nodes of the neck, and the simultaneous reconstruction of the mandible itself thanks to the autotransplantation of a flap taken from the patient’s iliac crest.

As explained by Dr. Ingrid Raponi, Maxillofacial Medical Director of the ASL of Frosinone, “the reconstruction with a flap free of the iliac crest has the advantage of being able to restore in an optimal way both the aesthetic aspect with a correct mandibular projection, and the functional one through the placement of dental implants directly on the transplanted iliac crest“.

In the pre- and post-operative CT images, it can be seen how the infiltrated mandibular bone has been faithfully replaced by the bone flap.

Last Updated: 13/07/2022

Pubblicato il: 13/07/2022

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