Moderate DAY AGAINST HIV/AIDS 1 December 2023

       December 1 is the “World Day to Fight HIV/AIDS” established in 1988 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to respond to the global emergency of HIV/AIDS.

Of the  38.4 million people living with HIV infection, 54%  are  women  and 1.7 million are children under the age of 15.

It is estimated that around 5.9 million people worldwide, or 1 in 4 people,  are unaware of their HIV-positive status.

However, they do not take care of themselves and do not take  precautions to protect others  from contagion.

In Italy, recent data report  1,770 new diagnoses of HIV infection, equal to an incidence of 3 new cases per 100,000 residents , particularly in Lazio and Lombardy.

83% of HIV-positive people are diagnosed late, i.e. with low CD4 lymphocytes or in a state of advanced disease (AIDS). 

 Increased the proportion of people who have cancers associated with infection .

Current therapies allow a normal and healthy life and will eliminate the probability of transmitting the infection sexually and during pregnancy.

If you have never taken the HIV test, it is time to do so, for your health and that of your loved ones.

If you are concerned about being discriminated against, know that the test can be done anonymously – free of charge – without the need for a (demanding) prescription and that all healthcare professionals are bound by professional secrecy.

The UOSD AIDS operational unit of the AS of Frosinone  adheres to the World Day against HIV-AIDS.


8:00 am – 1:00 pm  sampling for HIV TESTING

Locations : SS Trinità-Sora Hospital, Santa Scolastica-Cassino Hospital, F. Spaziani Frosinone Hospital, Hospital , collection centres Viale Mazzini-Frosinone, Alatri, Anagni, Aquino Atina, Boville; Ceccano, Ceprano, Ferentino , Isola del Liri, Monte San Giovanni, Paliano, Pontecorvo, Ripi , Veroli


8:00 am to 2:00 pm information , advice and collection for HIV TESTING 

Location: F.Spaziani Hospital, via Armando Fabi snc Palazzina Q II floor

The result can be collected later at the UOSD AIDS


On the “World Day to Fight HIV/AIDS”  established in 1988 by the World Health Organization (WHO) which is celebrated on December 1, the UOSD AIDS detects an  increase in new diagnoses in the province of Frosinone, following the end of the Sars-Cov 2 pandemic. In particular, the number of foreigners who have recently  entered Italy from sub-Saharan Africa has doubled. HIV-positive women showed a sharp increase compared to the previous year and  are predominantly foreigners , who reported sexual abuse while travelling to Europe.

Most new diagnoses have mean CD4 values <200 cells/mm3 in the absence of clinically suggestive manifestations of HIV and/or defining opportunistic AIDS diseases.

With regard to HIV/Sars-Cov 2 co-infections, in the cohort followed by UOSD AIDS in 2023 there were only 10 cases, managed at home , compared to 60 detected during the pandemic.

People with known seropositivity, thanks to the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy, have a better life expectancy, as  these drugs allow a normal and healthy life and eliminate the probability of transmitting the infection sexually and during pregnancy. On the other hand, the lengthening of life involves the detection of comorbidities, such as dysmetabolic diseases and neoplasms that require an integrated hospital-territory management approach.

The data reported are attributable to the reopening  of post-pandemic hospitals that resulted in a resumption of access to screening programs and the protective effect of vaccination on the evolution of Sars Cov-2 infection in disease and therefore a reduction in hospitalizations .

On 1 December, World Day for the Fight against HIV,  we focus on the following needs

Prevention to reset the  transmission



 Early diagnosis and treatment

Strengthening healthcare

Reduction of HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination

Promotion of human rights and gender equality

Dr. Ilaria Uccella- Medical Director UOSD AIDS

 Dr. Elsa Federico -Social Assistant UOSD AIDS

Gina Carlini – Nursing Coordinator UOSD AIDS-UOC Infectious Diseases

Sabrina Viri Nurse- CPSI UOSD AIDS

Last Updated: 30/11/2023

Pubblicato il: 20/11/2023

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