Children: more gastroenteritis and skin infections in summer

Children: in summer more gastroenteritis and skin infections, due to the heat, thisyear particularly intense and insistent, prolonged exposure to the sun, frequenting beaches and outdoor places.

One month after returning to school, we take stock of the situation with Dr. Luigi Di Ruzza Director of the Pediatrics-Nursery UOC of the Holy Trinity of Sora and coordinator of the Maternal and Child Department of the Asl of Frosinone.

“The increase in these diseases is not a great news – explains Dr. Di Ruzza – because the summer has always caused a greater number of gastroenteritis of viral origin, adenoviruses and rotaviruses, among children who have suffered from diarrhoeal problems, vomiting and dehydration. Preventing these dysfunctions is very difficult because the summer favors life in the community, attendance among peers and, consequently, also contagion.

Are even the smallest skin lesions on the rise?

Certainly. Skin lesions are also related to the summer season, to frequenting beaches and swimming pools and are generally caused by staphylococci and streptococci. These skin wounds can manifest themselves in the form of bubbles and red patches that then fill with pus, the classic yellowish viscous liquid resulting from a state of infection, which must be treated with local antibiotic therapy or in general.

What is the Covid situation in the paediatric age of our territory? This is in line with the national figure. The virus also affects infants, with less aggression, causing high fever that can last from 48 to 72 hours and some related symptoms such as colds and sore throats.

Last Updated: 17/08/2022

Pubblicato il: 17/08/2022

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