ASL of Frosinone leader in the training of operators for the care of psychiatric patients perpetrators of crime

The care of the psychiatric patient, perpetrator of a crime, represents a challenge from which no one can think of escaping as it is itself a necessary investment for a fairer society and aimed at the protection of the individual.

Local Health Agencies are called upon to respond, building an efficient and effective network of services and relationships with the Institutions concerned. 

The ASL of Frosinone is the leader of the regional program, carried out in collaboration with the ASL Roma 5 and with the ASL of Rieti, which provides numerous training events, aimed at all the staff of the REMS and the Departments of Mental Health in which the residencies insist.

A busy calendar that arises from the need to discuss the critical issues, clinical models and treatment of psychiatric patients, perpetrators of crimes, restricted in the REMS of the Lazio Region and provide the right tools to operators for their care.

The training project for the operators of the Residences for the Execution of Security Measures (REMS) was presented at the Tyrrhenian Hall of the Lazio Region, in the presence of the Councillor Alessio D’Amato, of the Regional Health and Social Health Integration Directorate, of the General Directors of the Local Health Authorities of Frosinone, Roma5 and Rieti, of the representatives of the Judiciary, and of the Mayors in whose territories the Residences for Security Measure Execution are located.


Numerous events organized by the Asl of Frosinone in the territories of the Region that began last November 21 from Rieti. Online training is planned with webinars entitled “Functional integration of health, justice and territory” (ASL Roma5 on 28 November; ASL Frosinone on 5 December).

Then the in-person training: in Rieti the program entitled “Dialectical behavior therapy  social skill training”, in Frosinon with the event “Pcl-r hare psychopathy checklist”. I start in January and February 2023 respectively.

An international event is also scheduled in Tivoli with the presence of Prof. H.G. Kennedy.

Last Updated: 25/11/2022

Pubblicato il: 25/11/2022

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