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The efficacy of Choep chemotherapy regimen administered in association with monoclonalantibody anti-CD52 Alemtuzumab in cutaneous T-celllymphoma (CTCL) and systemic T-celllymphoma with cutaneous involvement (PTCL)

Authors: Postorino M, De Santis G, Marchesi F, Provenzano I, Franceschini L, Pupo L, Rizzo M, Giannì L, Gumenyuk S, Tonialini L, Fiorelli E, Renzi D, Zizzari A.

Date: 2013

Scope of interest: Haematology

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Report/Poster of Convention/Congress Act

ORAL COMMUNICATION European project “AIDS and Mobility 2008-2011

Authors: ilaria uccella

Date: 2012

Scope of interest: infectious disease training programs

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Magazine 3.77

Awaking Blood Pressure Surge and Progression to Microalbuminuria in Type 2 Normotensive Diabetic Patients

Authors: Barbieri M, Rizzo MR, Fava I, Sardu C, Angelico N, Paolisso P, Abbatecola AM, Paolisso G, Marfella R

Date: 2016

Scope of interest: metabolism, diabetes

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Report/Poster of Convention/Congress Act

Sars -cov 2 epidemiology , therapy ,prevention

Authors: ilaria uccella

Date: 2020

Scope of interest: infectious disease training programs

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