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Report/Poster of Convention/Congress Act

“HIV and other STIs: the diagnostic-therapeutic pathway, health care, the medico-legal aspects in the management of STIs in vulnerable population groups

Authors: ilaria uccella

Date: 2012

Scope of interest: infectious disease training programs

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Magazine 3,443

Presence of the groupematic phenotype fy (a-;b-) in a population of blood donors: ®experience of the SIMT of the Policlinico Di Tor Vergata (PTV) Rome”

Authors: De Simone M.L., Dominici L., Blefari T., Del Proposto G., Cordero V., Costantino L., Docimo F., Guiducci G., Palazzo G., De Masi A., Antonelli M., Adorno G.

Date: 2014

Scope of interest: Clinical pathology

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Report/Poster of Convention/Congress Act

Analysis of the costs of RHD genotyping and anti-D immunoprophylaxis in D-variant women with pregnancy potential.

Authors: Matteocci A., et. al., D’Amico C. et al.

Date: 2020

Scope of interest: Transfusion Medicine

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Report/Poster of Convention/Congress Act

Use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in the study of epilepsy: haemodynamic correlates during spike and polypointer disease in a patient with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy

Authors: M Fanella, AE Vaudano, M Manfredi, AT Giallonardo, A Berardelli , M Carnì, S Casciato, M Morano, L Lapenta, J Fattouch, G Aegean, L Lemieux, C Di Bonaventura

Date: 2012

Scope of interest: Epilepsy

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