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Report/Poster of Convention/Congress Act

Cognitive Stimulation with Motor Activity Programs in Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease

Authors: A.M. Abbatecola, M. Coppola, M. Ciccarelli, C. Dimeo, E. Bottoni, M. Russo, G. Curcio (Atina, Sora, Cassino, L’ Aquila)

Date: 2018

Scope of interest: Dementia

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Magazine 7,093

Repaglinide administration improves brachial reactivity in type 2 diabetic patients.

Authors: Manzella D, Grella R, Abbatecola AM, Paolisso G.

Date: 2005

Scope of interest: diabetes

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Magazine 3,443

Presence of the groupematic phenotype fy (a-;b-) in a population of blood donors: ®experience of the SIMT of the Policlinico Di Tor Vergata (PTV) Rome”

Authors: De Simone M.L., Dominici L., Blefari T., Del Proposto G., Cordero V., Costantino L., Docimo F., Guiducci G., Palazzo G., De Masi A., Antonelli M., Adorno G.

Date: 2014

Scope of interest: Clinical pathology

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Magazine 2.07

ntimicrobial properties of platelet rich plasma

Authors: Ferraro A.S., Ronci C., Lanti A., Chiru O.M., Papa A., Insalaco D., Marconi G., Pattofatto ., Docimo F., DeMasi A., Marino D., Ippolito M., Cipriani C., Guiducci G., Adorno G.

Date: 2014

Scope of interest: Clinical pathology

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