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Magazin 3,642

Body composition markers in older persons with COPD.

Autoren: Abbatecola AM, Fumagalli A, Spazzafumo L, Betti V, Misuraca C, Corsonello A, Cherubini A, Guffanti EE, Lattanzio F

Datum: 2014

Interessensgebiet: alterung

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Recurrent Ischemic Stroke and Bleeding in Patients with Atrial fibrillation who suffered an Acute stroke while on treatment with nonvitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants: The RENO-EXTEND study. Aug 2022. Schlaganfall Neurologie


Datum: 2022

Interessensgebiet: Neurologie/Notfall

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Magazin 1.723

Reaching the ‘First 90’: Proposal for Intervention Strategy in Order to ExpandingAccess to HIV Testing among Migrant and Vulnerable Populations

Autoren: Töte I

Datum: 2018

Interessensgebiet: öffentliche Gesundheit

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Magazin 9.54

Evolution of EEG patterns in cerebral reperfusion syndrome after carotid artery stenting.

Autoren: Di Stasio F, Fanella M, Brienza M, Gentili G, Di Napoli M

Datum: 2021

Interessensgebiet: Epilepsie

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