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Magazin 7,802

Severe hypoglycemia is associated with antidiabetic oral treatment compared with insulin analogs in nursing home patients with type 2 diabetes and dementia: results from the RESIDENORA study.

Autoren: Abbatecola AM, Bo M, Barbagallo M, Incalzi RA, Pilotto A, Bellelli G, Maggi S, Paolisso G; Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SIGG), Florenz, Italien

Datum: 2015

Interessensgebiet: long term care

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Entwicklung, Zuverlässigkeit und Validität neuer Tools: Student Prior Knowledge of Nursing Tasks Scale (SPK-NTS) und Student Anticipated Self-Efficacy in Nursing Task Scale (SASE-NTS).

Autoren: Loreana Macale, Giampiera Bulfone, Ercole Vellone, Gennaro Scialò, Paola Sabatini, Alessandro Sili, Rosaria Alvaro

Datum: 2022

Interessensgebiet: Validierungsstudie von Treppen und deren Korrelation

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Magazin 4,5

Influence of clinically significant portal hypertension on survival after hepatic resection for hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients.

Autoren: Giannini EG et al.

Datum: 13. Nov. 2023

Interessensgebiet: hepatologisch

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Magazin 9,5

Hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence in patients with curative resection or ablation: impact of HCV eradication does not dependence on the use of interferon.

Autoren: Petta s

Datum: Jan 2017

Interessensgebiet: hepatologisch

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