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Analyse der Kosten der RHD-Genotypisierung und der Anti-D-Immunprophylaxe bei D-Varianten mit Schwangerschaftspotential.

Autoren: Matteocci A., et. al., D’Amico C. et al.

Datum: 2020

Interessensgebiet: Transfusionsmedizin

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Pulse wave velocity is associated with muscle mass decline: Health ABC study.

Autoren: Abbatecola AM, Chiodini P, Gallo C, Lakatta E, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Tylavsky FA, Goodpaster B, de Rekeneire N, Schwartz AV, Paolisso G, Harris T; for the Health ABC study

Datum: 2012

Interessensgebiet: gerontologie, Geriatrie

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The impact of drug interactions and polypharmacy on antimicrobial therapy in the elderly

Autoren: Corsonello A, Abbatecola AM, Fusco S, Luciani F, Marino A, Catalano S, Maggio MG, Lattanzio F

Datum: 2015

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Hepaticfollicularlymphoma in an oldpatient with Crohn’sdisease: a rare case and review of the literature

Autoren: L Scucchi 1, B Neri, R Argirò, D Nasso, I Provenzano, S Potenza, M Movza, M DiPrete, E Calabrese, C Petruzziello, A Mauriello, G Monteleone, M Cantonetti, L Biancone

Datum: 2020

Interessensgebiet: Hämatologie

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